Trust: The Cornerstone of Courageous Leadership

Trust is a cornerstone in the realm of courageous leadership. As we delve deeper into the principles outlined in Brené Brown's Dare to Lead™ program, the profound nature of trust becomes increasingly apparent.  

In this blog, we gain insights from Jennifer Porritt, a respected Certified Dare to Lead™ facilitator, on the topic. 

Jennifer shares,  

"BRAVING, as conceptualized by Dr. Brené Brown, captures the essence of trust through its acronym, representing seven key elements: 

  • BOUNDARIES: Making clear what is okay and not okay (and why!). 

  • RELIABILITY: You do what you say you'll do. 

  • ACCOUNTABILITY: You own up to your mistakes, apologize, and make amends. 

  • VAULT: You don't share experiences or information that is not yours to share. In other words, if someone confides something in you, keep it to yourself. 

  • INTEGRITY: Choosing courage over comfort; choosing what's right over what's fun, fast, or easy. 

  • NON-JUDGEMENT: Not judging others when they ask for what they need. 

  • GENEROSITY: Extending the most generous (non-judgmental) interpretation to the intentions, words, and actions of others. 


Before being introduced to this framework, I often viewed trust in binary terms: you had it or you didn't. However, applying these seven elements to relationships, nuances emerge, spotlighting areas that might require attention, even with those I believed I trusted entirely." 


Jennifer prompts leaders to consider these elements in their relationships with employees, mainly focusing on boundaries. "How often have you 'assumed' that your people know what's expected of them? Do your employees understand what their priorities are? Know when and how to connect with you? Know how to ask for help and/or ask for what they need?" 


Setting boundaries at work means establishing healthy professional relationships that can help make the unknown known and decrease levels of ambiguity. Rather than guessing or making incorrect assumptions, you and your employees can work from a place of shared understanding, leading to less stress in the relationship.  


As leaders, one of the bravest things we can do is to turn the mirror inward and ask ourselves tough questions about how we show up for our people. Using the seven elements of BRAVING Trust can be an effective way of developing our leadership awareness. 


At the heart of trust is setting boundaries. Building relationships with employees is pivotal. This relationship-building becomes even more vital when discussing mental health with employees or observing a shift in their behaviours. 


The trust model presented by BRAVING isn't just a leadership tool for introspection; it's a roadmap for team dynamics as well. Cultivating trust within a team fosters psychological safety, which is paramount for the team's growth, collaboration, and resilience.   

Drawing from her interactions and insights, Jennifer notes,

"The impact of trust-building can't be overstated. It's the backbone of team wellness. Teams rooted in trust are not only more collaborative but are also more resilient when navigating challenges." 


Please stay connected with us as we journey further into Brené Brown's transformative leadership teachings. Next, in our series and the final installment, we feature the last skill set, "Living Into Our Values." 

We’re here to help.   

If your organization wants to build courageous leaders who are not afraid to have tough conversations, our qualified experts are ready to guide and support you.   


For a deeper dive into our approach, contact us at to book a complimentary "Daring Leadership Culture Consultation." This one-on-one session will help identify if our program is a good fit for your organization.  


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